Choose Wisely: Drinks and Your Teeth

When out for dinner, what kind of drinks would your friends and family order? A soda? A glass of wine? Juice for the kids? It might be hard to remember the last time anyone chose a glass of water over that strawberry lemonade on a hot summer day.

These small choices we make every day can really take a toll on your teeth. Over time it can cause sensitivity and staining.

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Avoid on a Daily Basis

Here’s some beverages you should avoid on a daily basis. Juice is a ‘go to’ for a lot of kids Apple juice is one that comes to mind. It’s important to note the differences between a fresh cut apple and it’s 100% Juice counterpart.

When you eat an apple, the natural fibers help break down sugars and acids, while juice sits and soaks into the enamel surface of your teeth. This is the same with a soda at dinner time. The food you’re consuming while drinking a soda helps break up the acids and sugar as opposed to sipping it between meals.

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Your Teeth will thank you!

Juice, soda, lemonade and carbonated drinks, such as sparkling water, are all things that should be enjoyed on occasion. Having orange juice or coffee with breakfast daily can be really hard on your teeth.

Coffee or tea with added sugar (honey or creamer) are similar to juice. They both have acids and the sugar you add attacks your teeth the same way a soda would.

Unlike fizzy water, coffee, tea and wine can cause significant staining on adult teeth due to the acids. Rinsing with water can help, but don’t be surprised if your dentist mentions a bit of staining to an everyday coffee drinker.

It’s important to limit yourself, enjoy these things with dinner and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing. Your teeth will thank you!

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